The Dink Network

Air Spirit

Pilgrim's Quest

June 22nd 2003, 08:52 PM
Peasant She/Her
Ok I am stuck again. Is the air spirit inside the spiral or on the outside around it. I looked for a hint on the walkthrough but it just tells me to walk down a bit from the woman goblin and to the left and around the spiral (outside maybe?). I clicked everywhere outside and in and have not been able to find her anywhere.
June 22nd 2003, 10:27 PM
Peasant She/Her
Nevermind I found it!!
December 28th 2003, 12:07 AM
Ghost They/Them
Where the hell is the air spirt, in the spiral or wutt, been 2 hours i cant shyt
January 1st 2004, 01:28 PM
Peasant They/Them
just go in the top of the spiral and a head should come behind you, it doesent really look like a air spirit, but i havent seen any real so i cant judge
January 21st 2004, 06:39 AM
Ghost They/Them
I cannot find the wind spirit either. I have reloaded and tried several different talk to patterns to no avail. The only thing left that I can figure is I am not trying the right area.

Is the "spiral" the area with the red wind/clouds?? If not, could you please describe and if it is, what might I be doing incorrectly since I see no head to talk to?? I was using v1.32 but after having this trouble I have since inctalled v1.42 but still see no head.


January 21st 2004, 03:41 PM
Ghost They/Them
Well after more hours than I will admit, found out the problem: walkthru is incorrect in 2 instances, peddler is SW not SE (this I figured out and was not part of problem) and you do NOT give the water to the scavenger/soup guy. If you follow the guide and give him the water then the Wind Spirit will not appear. You must insult the guy instead.

January 22nd 2004, 12:36 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Ah... never trust a walk thru. Yes... it pays to insult people... every so often.