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Dink and the Bonca

Dink tries out a new weapon. From the COTPATD project.
Dink gets called to the town known as "Randomness" by his long time friend Luke. Luke tells Dink to stop the menacing bonca before it destroys the town. Little does Dink know, there are way bigger plots afoot than the simple matter of a rogue bonca.

*Best D-Mod of Q3 2009*
Released:June 28th, 2014
File Size:391.54 KB
Release Notes:For some reason I decided to do one last update to DatB

Previous versions (1.03 and 1.04) should have been 1.10 and 1.11 respectively, because of the massive update that happened in 1.03. That is why this is being called v1.12

Update notes:

-Updates to dialogue
-A few more bug fixes
-Fixed another few hardness bugs
-Added detail sprites to the Land of Ice and Snow to make it seem less barren...against original intent
-Lowered Dink's starting defense from 3 to 1 to up difficulty slightly, starting at 3 was too OP
-Added a little "flare" to the reward chests from the first mini-boss
-Applied a slight nerf to most higher level enemies to balance the difficulty curve a little better
-Detail sprites added to the Cliff dungeon
-Detail mushrooms, flowers, and other sprites added to main map
-Updated main map to better define forest borders
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
July 2nd, 2013
Score : 7.0 good
Peasant He/Him Japan bloop
Responsible for making things not look like ass 
Dink and the Bonca isn't bad for a first dmod. It has everything one would expect- pillbugs, martridge, and evil wizards. There is a major lack of depth to this story, though that's not a huge deal.

When I was first able to move, I walked the entire map before going to where I was supposed to. This is by choice. It might have been nice to make a bit less spacious map. Or even just block the bridge off until it's needed to be crossed. The town itself was really small and didn't offer much besides a weapon shop. My next stop was a cabin west of town for the first boss battle- which later on in the story disappears for no apparent reason.

I soon get the fireball spell. Which ends up being the only spell in the game. And on to the next boss battle. After that I'm teleported to a new area. This area is pretty much just a singular path. A path that has hardly any detail to it I might add. It leads to the third boss battle and a new weapon- the ice sword.

After obtaining the sword I'm able to face the final boss. All the bosses so far have yet to be very interesting. The first and second being too slow to hit you, and the third and the final having the same spell one just being stronger than the other. So they were pretty lame boss fights.

Overall there weren't many elements to make this a very interesting dmod, but it works and entertained me long enough to finish it. It's not very challenging, in fact everything about it was pretty simple. It's at least worth playing once.
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
game freezes13arossowDecember 17th 2015, 08:38 AM
Dink and the Bonca15thenewguyAugust 4th 2013, 09:05 PM