The Dink Network

ArcdukShrimp's Profile

Hey there. I'm Vinicius from Brazil. I'm a professional C++ programmer, messing around with Dink stuff. My RL routine doesn't really allow me to do anything big out of Dink but it's fun messing here and there. Currently working as an english teacher at my country.

Private Message

2016-07-27 10:05:41
Oh, it's good that you've asked that. It should be explicited that he's only trying to get some information out of axton. I'll fix that.

Oh btw, did you find out that if you go up to your room after the innkeeper goes up to fix it instead of looking at the bookshelf right away, you'll find him there and get your 100 gold back?

ArcdukShrimp has released 1 file

Turn-Based FightD-Mod, Development, UnfinishedFair 6.0June 20th, 2016

ArcdukShrimp has written 2 reviews

Salmon else should write a review Fishy dot dmodNormalExceptional 9.0July 19th, 2016
Utterly short Dink's Quest for MeaningNormalGood 7.0July 30th, 2015