The Dink Network

Archive - May 2018

New Development File: browser editor
Posted by redink1 on Monday May 14th, at 07:17 PM
Our favorite developer-who-posts-interesting-python-related-tools-to-the-forum, shevek, has released a new Dink Smallwood editor by the name of browser editor.

"Why would I use this when I have Windinkedit?" I hear you ask. "Hey, how did Dan tap into my microphone? This is getting creepy," I hear you continue.

Anyway, this editor is a little bit different than most, in that it runs in your web browser. This means that it works fairly well in a Linux operating system.

So, give it a whirl, and let shevek know what you think.
Dink Smallwood: Two Decades of Duck Decapitation
Posted by redink1 on Monday May 14th, at 07:32 PM
Dark Archon, the editor-in-chief at, put together a short documentary called Dink Smallwood: Two Decades of Duck Decapitation. It covers the history of Dink, going from Seth's Legend of the Red Dragon up through the Crazy Old Tim Plays All The D-Mods books, and includes some snippets of Seth and I talking about stuff. It's quite well put together.

I learned some new stuff, like how the original Dink Smallwood CDs included Warcraft music (!). I knew that there were copyright issues, but I didn't know it was that crazy!

Updated D-Mod: All that Glitters! v1.10
Posted by redink1 on Thursday May 17th, at 06:13 AM
Ye ol' SlipDink has updated All that Glitters! to v1.10. This release includes at least 24 fixes/improvements/corrections, ranging from changing some dialog and some other wording to eliminating several overlapping lines of white text.