The Dink Network

struck in Underground maze/Earth maze

Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT

April 23rd 2007, 10:03 AM
Peasant They/Them
I struck in this level. I know how to explode the bareel and i blewed some 5-6. Now the problem is i could not blew one bareel. This barrel is in west most side( Or users left most) The problem is between me and that stupid barrel there is one path(wher i cant go since it dosent have any path)which contaions some 6-7 hard rocks and 1 small gold rock (remember in some other dink games we used to get gold by scraching them). Now i cant hit the barrel from the path where it is and though i tryed to use air magic and trying some bounce back from where i am standing.... those rocks are blocking and air magic cant blast them.

Now am i doing something wrong is there any other way other then entering from west most path ? Or is it some bug ? Is there any way to clear those rocks since untill i blew them i cant proceed from west side .

friends I need your help. Plz Help me.
April 23rd 2007, 11:07 PM
There's a rock at the bottom in the middle - bounce air magic off this diagonally and you should be able to hit the barrel.
April 24th 2007, 11:59 PM
Peasant They/Them
Yes you were right. I have to hit that diagonally. Thank you friend for solving my problem.

hey by the way why cant we use megapotion(not the ordinary one) while fighting with earth knight and how much hp that he has got? If i am not wrong atleast 500 isnt it ?
April 25th 2007, 06:42 AM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Punch the rocks into him using your mighty fist.