The Dink Network

Why i think steroids are good.

June 13th 2011, 09:37 AM
Ghost They/Them
Steroids are good they help to increase strength muscle size speed stamina they also help to increase energy.
June 13th 2011, 09:42 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Have you heard of such things as side-effects?
June 13th 2011, 09:45 AM
Ghost They/Them
Yes of course i have.
June 13th 2011, 09:47 AM
Peasant He/Him bloop
Yarr! who need ballz anyway matey?
June 13th 2011, 09:50 AM
Absolutely amazing thread.
June 13th 2011, 10:26 AM
I also like steroids. They reduce inflammation. It's good for auto-immune disorders.
June 13th 2011, 10:30 AM
Peasant He/Him Sweden
I use steroids and cheat in computer games.
June 13th 2011, 12:26 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The site's resident Therian (Dire Wolf, Dragon) 
I also like steroids. They reduce inflammation. It's good for auto-immune disorders.

That may be fine in small amounts as prescribed, but I'd rather keep my balls, thank you very much.
June 13th 2011, 12:32 PM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Kris, are you sure?

But seriously though, I would rather keep my LIFE... and balls.
June 13th 2011, 12:46 PM
Peasant They/Them
Steroids are addictive.

Much like alcohol and drugs.
June 13th 2011, 05:49 PM
I use a steroids and cheat in a steroids.

But I don't dance.
June 13th 2011, 06:21 PM
Peasant He/Him Sweden
June 14th 2011, 01:33 AM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
Pillbug is that you!! You infiltrated chat as parsley now you are doing it on a video woot - I know someone famous! hehe.

June 14th 2011, 03:01 AM
Ghost They/Them
Brock Lesnar in wwe had much more and less fat when he was on steroids.

Id rather take steroids then try to work out naturally F*** nature.
June 14th 2011, 07:37 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
You do know Brock Lesnar was one of the very few wrestlers who never used steroids, right? He just worked out helluva lot. There's other persons like that in wrestling or UFC that never use steroids. Some of them just work out and have natural mind-focused strength, such as Lesnar or Kane. You can tell when somebody uses steroids, such as Chris Benoit, who then turned into a psychopath because of these steroids and killed himself and his family.
June 14th 2011, 07:53 AM
Ghost They/Them
Brock never used steroids HAHAHAHAHAHA!! yeah right look up brock lesnar on google images you will see him holding the wwe title at summerslam 2002 after he beat the rock,and plus brock had more muscle than benoit did so he must of been on steroids in his wwe carrier.
June 14th 2011, 07:55 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
It's a fact, which you'll unfortunately have to live with. Steroids, unless used horribly wrong and in overdoses, don't give you as big of muscles than working out normally. And it also depends on the person, and his/her size.
June 16th 2011, 02:50 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Predator seems to be a douche troll, I think we should ignore him
June 16th 2011, 03:03 PM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
I declare Predator Pre-hi-sta-min. For all the names he has used around here.
June 16th 2011, 03:08 PM
Peasant He/Him Belgium
What does the sta and min stand for?
June 16th 2011, 03:28 PM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Pre = Predator. Hi = Hitler. Sta = Batista. Min = Cause it makes it sound so much effin cooler.
June 17th 2011, 02:14 PM
Is that like YoSaffBridge?
June 17th 2011, 02:39 PM
Peasant He/Him Japan bloop
Responsible for making things not look like ass 
Haha I bet you'll end up taking steroids so you can get strong but because you know nothing about anything you'll end up taking the wrong ones. You'll take the ones they give to anemic people so they'll eat an then you'll be so hungry you'll eat packets of raw hotdogs for breakfast lunch and dinner and end up becoming a snorlax rather than a machamp.
June 17th 2011, 02:50 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Hungry, Horney, and Helpless... Take me home. 
Men with breasts and women with beards; Steroids are just GREAT!
June 17th 2011, 04:09 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
The Voice in the back of your head! 
so does swollwing predator help me with my allergies then? because you named himpre histamin(e).
June 17th 2011, 07:32 PM
Ghost They/Them
Look hanno stop being an arrogant little prick and answer my question on the fitness forum.
June 17th 2011, 07:38 PM
Ghost They/Them
leprocaun-since you know nothing about anything

HAHAHAHAHAH you hypocrite you americans are some of the dumbest people in this world you invade the middle east saying saddam hussein has nuclear weapons but you invade him any which you know he dosent. youre only western nation that DOS NOT have free health care you still think you won the vietnam war which just plain dum.
June 17th 2011, 11:03 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The site's resident Therian (Dire Wolf, Dragon) 
Predator, please refrain from insulting me because you're ignorant to other nationalities aside from yours.

First off, who are you calling a leprechaun?

Second, the reason for American involvement in the middle east is because some donkey decided that it would be fun to crash a few planes into the World Trade Center, which I might add is a scar that still hasn't healed right.
And this 'free' health care. What company is going to willingly give away medical supplies? None, because every business man in the world wants more money, not lose it by giving away expensive medications and machinery.
Also, what gives you the idea that all Americans believe we won the Vietnam war?

It sounds to me that you're just trolling just for the sake of being a troll. Now, unless you want to actually give something constructive to the Forum or at least talk about things you want to talk about without asking like an donkey, I suggest you leave the Forum. You are not helping right now, you're just creating more conflict.
June 17th 2011, 11:26 PM
Ghost They/Them
Im not ingorant to other nationalities unlike you Krisknox
let me guess just another corrupt american who saw too many movies as a child from a corrupt culture who thinks hes john wayne rambo marshall dylan.
June 17th 2011, 11:26 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Let me heat that up for you... 
"What company is going to willingly give away medical supplies? None, because every business man in the world wants more money, not lose it by giving away expensive medications and machinery."

Works well in Australia...
June 17th 2011, 11:38 PM
It's not paid for with taxes?
June 17th 2011, 11:50 PM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
NZ as well - I am rather partial to my free healthcare, hospital stays etc It's nice to live in a free country.

Dont think its right that a country should burden its people making them lose their homes etc just to get an operation or healthcare, meds etc, that with better planning (by the government) could result in better productivity by healthy and well citizens who are not under massive financial burdens (or die cause you cant afford to get what you need eep). I like not having the need to sue others when they make mistakes and crippling them financially as well, just because they messed up.

No country is perfect but sometimes I wonder why people just cant get health care when they need it in the states, insurance for that is beyond so many - USA is supposed to be some great "superpower" and yet to me, refusing healthcare to its people unless they/their insurance companies can pay is just plain wrong on the most basic level.
June 18th 2011, 02:06 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
It's paid for with taxes that would otherwise be used to blow up foreign nations. It's not as good as the UK's system in many cases but it works quite well.

Most European nations have universal healthcare. I bet you Skull didn't have to pay $40,000 for that operation of his.
June 18th 2011, 05:24 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The site's resident Therian (Dire Wolf, Dragon) 
Im not ingorant to other nationalities unlike you Krisknox
let me guess just another corrupt american who saw too many movies as a child from a corrupt culture who thinks hes john wayne rambo marshall dylan.

I guess your assumption that I'm a stereotypical American is wrong.

As I child I did watch movies, but it's books that I have a true passion for. It's because of my book reading that I am as intelligent as I am today, but I don't brag about how 'intellectually superior' I am to others, I try to respect them and I do try to learn the customs of their country. Yes, I am familiar with the stereotypes of other countries, that British people have bad teeth and drink nothing but tea, that women from France never shave, but do you honestly believe that I believe them as heavily as you believe that I'm some evil fatwad with a shoot ton of cash and dress pretty to impress my peers?

Let me tell you something about me that I'm pretty sure a few people on this forum could only hope to guess about me. I am a sixteen year old aspiring writer from Des Moines, Iowa. I attend a school where a sizable group of people my age act like life is about being popular with other people. All of my life I have been ridiculed to the point where I've stopped feeling the emotional pain of being called a bad name. People will call me a ginger because of my red hair and I'll take it as a compliment. That throws them off and they have to find another way to insult me. My dad, who was recently laid off and managed to find a job with the same dang company doing the same dang job with less pay and having to move to Oregon, he makes just enough to support our lifestyle. I rarely get any new books to read and have to go to the nearest library, which is too far for me to ride a bike. I have four brothers, three older, one younger. Two of them are donkeys because they grew up in that kind of environment where they were royally ducked over by the teachers that worked at the schools. My older brother, Daniel, he is in Afghanistan serving his country. It's a miracle when he's able to give us a message. My little brother, he's annoying and acts like he's better than all of us because he get's the most attention, something I'm trying to fix because I don't want a brother who acts like a pretentious little prick.
Right now, I am dealing with more emotional stress that it's a wonder why I haven't lost my mind and cannibalized my neighbors. If you really want to say that I am an arrogant donkey who eats and eats and eats because I'm apparently soooo ducking rich that I can give to flying ducks to a rolling doughnut, then go ahead. But know that I am just like anybody else, a normal Human being caught it a world as ducked up as any other that might be out there. A person who has a soul like anybody else out there and tries his danged hardest just to live a normal life, but can't, because life isn't fair. You have no idea how many times I have wanted just to scream and beat the shoot out of my oppressors, but can't because in this day and age it's not polite to ducking defend ones self.

<Rant over>
June 19th 2011, 04:21 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
The site's resident Therian (Dire Wolf, Dragon) 
On a side note, this topic should be closed and if possible deleted. All in favor, say 'Aye' or 'I'. Those against, say 'Nay' or 'Neigh'.
June 19th 2011, 04:24 AM
Ghost They/Them
June 19th 2011, 01:33 PM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Didn't bother reading all that crap. Anyway.

Second, the reason for American involvement in the middle east is because some donkey decided that it would be fun to crash a few planes into the World Trade Center, which I might add is a scar that still hasn't healed right.

That's quite Americans own fault, for backstabbing the "terrorists". They fought alongside the terrorists before Russia stopped. Once Russia stopped, Americans went all out on the terrorists. Also, I'm not completely even counting out the conspiracy theories that WTC was blown up by Americans to just gain reason to attack the terrorists. Besides, WTC is a small wound compared to how many people USA has killed. Americans just tend to cry about every little thing. Just like how they cry about Vietnam, just cause they didn't win.
June 19th 2011, 01:37 PM
Peasant They/Them
Afghanistan is in Central Asia.

Central Asia and the Middle East are totally different.
June 19th 2011, 01:39 PM
Peasant He/Him Japan bloop
Responsible for making things not look like ass 
yea, lets stop talking about this. It's annoying and pointless.
June 19th 2011, 02:32 PM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
From the US perspective both countries fall under the Central command region...
June 21st 2011, 01:54 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Hungry, Horney, and Helpless... Take me home. 
The only problem with free health care is it gets crowded. You may have to wait years to get vital surgery in Canada, where I was born. Quality of care also is becoming an issue; This is most pronounced in England, where after surgery infections and bad medicines are becoming common.
June 21st 2011, 02:05 PM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
In Finland, there is no quality of care. Everyone of my relatives or friends who have been in my hometown's hospital have either died, or almost died.
June 21st 2011, 02:08 PM
Peasant He/Him bloop
My trust in the Swedish health care is also fading...


June 21st 2011, 02:28 PM
So either some people get no health care or everyone gets bad health care? I have trouble believing those are the only options.
June 21st 2011, 02:50 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Hungry, Horney, and Helpless... Take me home. 
Actually there is a third option that they will never go for: Regulate prices. Drug companies and hospitals make anywhere between 300% and 700% profit. The don't need near that much to keep themselves fat. We could put a cap on medicine prices and doctors fees. That would make it affordable but keep the system from getting flooded.
June 21st 2011, 03:00 PM
Limiting malpractice suits would help too, since doctors charge more to cover those.
June 21st 2011, 03:07 PM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
How about we'll just learn how to take care of ourselves?
June 21st 2011, 03:26 PM
Peasant He/Him United Kingdom
How about we'll just learn how to take care of ourselves?

I would, but unfortunately I'm not a freakin' witch doctor. I suffer from many voodoo based afflictions which no one else can cure
June 22nd 2011, 05:54 AM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
What a lot of rather silly people don't realize is that having free healthcare doesn't mean private healthcare isn't available if you want to pay for it.
June 22nd 2011, 05:59 AM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
We have both here you can go private or go thru the public health system which is slower. But we dont get to sue because we have ACC (Accident Compensation) so that removes the need to sue for health care after you get hurt by someone else's fault (accident)someone beats you up - car accident or whatever. Acc does suck though too many rules now so theyre not having to pay out. Yes it comes off your taxes but you know if you get ill you wont be left to die cause you cant afford the treatments.
June 22nd 2011, 06:39 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Free healthcare is bad. What do you expect, it's free after all. And private healthcare costs like donkey.
June 22nd 2011, 09:51 AM
Free Healthcare is also a misnomer, because it's not free at all, unless you're completely penniless, in which case social services will pay it for you. Using our free healthcare system can easily cost hundreds of euros, although it's certainly a hell of a lot cheaper than going to a private practise.
June 22nd 2011, 10:05 AM
Steroids reduce your life. And they only make you look inflated you don't become superhuman or something
June 22nd 2011, 11:21 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
You gain more strength by working out than with steroids.
June 22nd 2011, 11:27 AM
It's not an either/or situation... Of course working out is going to be more effective than eating steroids and NOT working out.

The point with steroids is that they help with working out. You can build up more muscle, quicker and easier.