The Dink Network

Quest for Dorinthia (The)

Dink is transported by the King of Goodheart to another land. It seems an evil wizard has overtaken the real king and thrown him and his daughter into a cave into the mountains. Many many secrets and puzzles abound in this new adventure. Two secret worlds and many hidden weapons!
Released:March 26th, 2006
File Size:1.24 MB
Release Notes:v2.0
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
July 6th, 2002
Score : 9.8 exceptional
Peasant She/Her
Dink has to save princess Dorinthia and defeat an evil wizard.

Storyline: The main quest is simple enough: just save the princess. But there are loads of sub-quests and before you can even think of rescuing her, you have been adventuring quite some time. The storyline is balanced and all the things you have to do are in one way or another part of the main quest. Therefore it never gets dull and you really have the feeling you are on a heroic quest.

Map: The map is huge, but it almost never gets boring. The different area’s have their own characteristics. It reminds me of the original Dink.

Graphics: The graphics fit the different purposes. They are not new (some are borrowed) but actually I didn’t even notice in the beginning since I was so absorbed by the adventure. The title screen is nice.

Music: Only a few midi’s. I can only tell that there are midi’s because I checked the directory. While playing I didn’t hear any: that wasn’t because the volume was off or because there was something wrong with the game, but I was so focused on the game I guess the house could have gone up in flames without me even noticing it.

Good: Definitely the mix of good gameplay and storyline to which secrets, puzzles and loads of tasks are added. Furthermore, although the map is huge, there is no wandering and wondering what to do next, but just exploring and anxiously awaiting what’s going to happen on the next screen. You get a good change of building up levels, strength and so on, actually without even noticing it. There are not that many savebots, but they are placed on strategic places and you can easily remember where they are (a thing I always seem to have trouble with!). There are enough clues given to find your way. There are several towns to explore and this reminds me once again of the original game.

Not so good: The town of Private, since there is nothing to do, well, almost nothing. That seems kind of useless to me, since it looks very nice.

Overall: An outstanding D-mod with plenty hours of adventure.

Fit for: You want to be a hero? Download this and a great adventure awaits you!
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
Quest For Dorinthia3PaulaWNovember 8th 2017, 11:20 PM
Bug?3DinkGarnetJuly 21st 2017, 03:01 PM
Wizard - slayer problem7HerbieJune 2nd 2014, 01:25 PM
Can't get magic1Jonas0075October 11th 2012, 07:31 PM
what should i do ?2LO2LO2A82July 15th 2012, 06:03 PM
house behind the trees at beginning6RossVanDerHSeptember 11th 2011, 08:21 PM
Win 7 problem?14quillicitJune 11th 2011, 07:18 AM
quest for Dorintha1JoeSJanuary 23rd 2011, 08:26 PM
Quest For Dorinthia 1 - Bug?16jokeiApril 29th 2010, 10:30 AM
Quest for Dorinthia5yillOctober 14th 2009, 05:48 AM
stuck in bonca's cave - secret area5anonymous123September 14th 2009, 01:33 PM
anyway to get rid of the anti-cheat script??2arossowDecember 31st 2008, 09:35 AM
Can't find the Grandfather of the daughter i saved2dinkynoobyDecember 18th 2007, 11:58 AM
where is the magic in quest for dorinthia?3chrisNovember 5th 2007, 01:13 PM
Help I stucked!9DreamwizardJune 8th 2007, 01:38 PM
Please Help,Stuck2RAJESHMay 30th 2007, 01:02 PM
Stuck,Help please1rajeshMay 19th 2007, 07:38 AM
Item Menu5KatMarch 11th 2006, 12:14 PM
Can't get the magic4HopkinsFebruary 7th 2006, 12:47 AM
Freezing with armor3momerathJuly 2nd 2005, 02:01 AM
Having some Problems5TiggsmomNovember 15th 2003, 07:35 AM
game reduces stats!6TheFarmOctober 24th 2003, 11:04 AM
Tree Riddle in Wizard's area?14TheFarmSeptember 16th 2003, 01:48 AM
can't find a light source?3grantyJune 7th 2003, 09:50 AM
unlocking the locks3scacoachFebruary 26th 2003, 10:42 PM