RAJESH's Profile
A school student.old to DINK NETWORK.
Can BETAtest any D-MODs(Mainly demo versions). I will joke&none should take something serious from my jokes,until I tell that I am serious!. Just E-MAIL me,if ya want to ask something privately.
My favourite food is cornetto ice cream(only in summers).Anyone can help me in making of dmods&I can help anyone as well.
After being a scientist I shall be Dink,wiping out all the evils in first of all my country:1)Smoking,drinking,eating bad foods---------------------------------------
2)Bad language users,bad manners, bad customs,bad people
Note for blogger blog URL: (not related to Dink,see my name under the Google Blogs for some good info.)
I will be posting once in either 2 weeks Or any no. of months.
My life is full of happy,sad,dangerous,surprising experiences.
Science is my favourite subject.
Do check,respod to my posts&E-MAIL me!?
Can BETAtest any D-MODs(Mainly demo versions). I will joke&none should take something serious from my jokes,until I tell that I am serious!. Just E-MAIL me,if ya want to ask something privately.

After being a scientist I shall be Dink,wiping out all the evils in first of all my country:1)Smoking,drinking,eating bad foods---------------------------------------
2)Bad language users,bad manners, bad customs,bad people
Note for blogger blog URL: (not related to Dink,see my name under the Google Blogs for some good info.)
I will be posting once in either 2 weeks Or any no. of months.
My life is full of happy,sad,dangerous,surprising experiences.
Science is my favourite subject.
Do check,respod to my posts&E-MAIL me!?
Private Message
Well,my aim is To be a clever scientist!
Is that a rare species of butterfly?Give it to me.
Now,I will answer those Qs without spamming!....