The Dink Network

cloudnaeris's Profile

My name is Jesse and I'm sixteen. I have just recently joined the Dink Network and so far it is awesome. I am starting to make my first DMOD and I hope it will be great. I love music and when I'm not trying to make a video game (via Rpg Maker or DinkC) I have a rock band called Gravity that I play with. I plan on composing my own midis as well as using some Metallica midis.

Private Message
AIM cloudnaeris7

2005-04-07 12:58:31
I would have to agree with Chaotic. The avg boss is just too easy these days. Anyone can hit a boss and run away before he hits you...over and over again...until he dies. It's a boss. It should be difficult. Look at some of the greats in the past. Do you think people went crazy playing Final Fantasy VII because Safer Sephiroth (the final boss) was easy? Nope. Not only should a good boss have what seems to be 10x Dinks HP, but he should also have extra abilities. Maybe even have him be able to dissapear for a short time...the BAM!! Pop up right behind you.

Edit: The only problem is you have to think of those who aren't skilled at Dink. But I say, "If you can't stand the heat, don't download the daggon DMOD!"

What sense of accomplishment is there in beating a game that has an easy boss?

cloudnaeris has written 1 review

Well Zach the MarineNormalGood 7.0April 2nd, 2005