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Seth's Profile

Peasant He/Him Japan
I like makin' games. How couldn't you?

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2022-04-19 08:36:02
Peasant He/Him Japan
Ok, I've done the things discussed and I'm hoping it's about ready to go (for both Windows and Android) but I haven't actually tested on Windows 7... (been procrastinating installing it somewhere)

Anybody out there have a Win7 machine setup? If so, please try this beta build!

Will do the real release in a day or two. Android submission soon too.

Here are the changes:

* Should work on Windows 7 again (in theory.. uhh.. )
* Now using HTTPS for all communications/downloads on all platforms
* Download & DMOD install is now much faster
* Windows now using a 64 bit build and latest FMOD Studio version for audio
* BUGFIX: All cheats now properly show up if DinkC Debug Toggle is used from the debug mode (previously, Ghostwalk didn't appear)
* (Android) Fixed issue with Android 11 not being able to save
* (Windows) Running dink.exe with /? or --help will now show a list of possible command line parms
* (Android) Now using FMOD for the sound engine here, now all supported platforms have audio feature parity and should sound the same
* BUGFIX (Android): Installing certain large DMODs will no longer crash due to JNI not being able to garbage collect strings fast enough,
although this bug might be something that only happened on this build due to DMOD install optimizations, not sure
* (Windows) Added note on about screen: "Click and drag to move this window, yeah, this GUI was originally made for mobile so it's weird",
* (Desktop versions) In-game Options menu now shows active dink and DMOD paths, About page shows dink dir and dmod base dir
* Midi improvements - using a new MIDI soundfont ( GeneralUser GS 1.471.sf2, but I converted it to .dls1 as FMOD only supports that) -
I think it's probably better than the default Windows midi player so I went ahead and enabled it for Desktop versions too, but .. I don't know,
I feel like some instruments are a bit loud so maybe someone can suggest/engineer a better .dls file than I did
* DMOD browse menu (showing things you can install) now shows file size

If anybody has any easy-to-do changes they want to get in or knows of a DMOD that won't work, please chime in!

Seth has released 10 files

Dink Smallwood Original 3ds Max ModelsDevelopment, OfficialExceptional 9.5August 26th, 2023
Dink Smallwood HDOfficialGood 8.6August 15th, 2022
Mystery IslandD-Mod, Quest, OfficialGood 8.1January 2nd, 2010
Dink Smallwood CD AudioOfficialGood 8.2August 7th, 2006
Dink Smallwood 1.08 Source CodeDevelopment, Source, Official, Dink.exeExceptional 9.9March 10th, 2006
Dink SmallwoodOfficialExceptional 9.5March 10th, 2006
Search for Milli Vanilli (The)D-Mod, RompFair 5.5February 26th, 2006
Mystery Island BMP GraphicsDevelopment, Graphics, OfficialExceptional 9.4January 1st, 1990
Dink Smallwood BMP GraphicsDevelopment, Graphics, OfficialExceptional 9.1January 1st, 1990
Making of Mystery Island (The)Development, Tutorial, OfficialFair 5.9January 1st, 1990