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EatTheRats's Profile

I don't like rats anymore.

Private Message

2003-09-14 13:56:16
And why do we remember them though? Why do we not remember all the presidents, or the explorers, or the leaders, or anything that happened to the U.S.? Why do we instead have Martin Luther King Day, Columbus Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Talk Like A Pirate Day instead? The pattern that I can see is that we remember them because they changed us the most. We don't remember that day solely for the people, but moreso (IMO at least) the effect that it had on the US. If your friend gets cancer, you don't pray for all those poor little cells in her body getting ravaged, you pray for her well being overall. But that's probably a bad analogy that detracted from my point. So I'll hug Sabre. *hug*

EatTheRats has written 1 review

Hey Dinky Dimensions 1: FIATNormalExceptional 9.2June 11th, 2002