The Dink Network

Dukie's Profile

Peasant He/Him
Hi people,
I'm Dukie, the friendly guy to turn to whenever you feel lonely. Or happy. Or I can do something Dink related for you, the humble Dink Network user! Now, email me stuff! Please!

Marketing and internet are my passions. I'm trying to combine them as much as possible.

My eternally-in-progress D-Mod The Dink Hotel will be really good, although it will take a while before it's finished

Web Page
Private Message
ICQ 1585774

2003-08-11 15:24:40
Peasant He/Him
I wasn't saying that hiphop is better than any type of music, just that there are more people who like hiphop then there are who listen to death metal. So, in a war, we would win, or something..

And I'm sure some metal groups have positive lyrics too

Maybe most hiphop listeners are conformist losers, the worst artists do make it to the #1 spot lots of times, dang commercial rap!

Dukie has released 1 file

Dink Smallwood in the Valley of the Talking TreesD-Mod, RompGood 7.5March 26th, 2006

Dukie has written 2 reviews

To Start Off Dink's TrunkFeaturedExceptional 9.6August 5th, 2002
Yes Isle of the PigsNormalHorrible 2.1July 5th, 2002