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CastMan's Profile

Peasant He/Him Brazil
Some day I'll finish my mod... Some day... 
Hi, my name is Daniel, I'm Brazilian but I don't know any monkey.

I'm currently thinking about start (over again) to Mod, well, that's not much but my first romp is coming, later, a quest to continue it's story.

See you later

Private Message

2007-10-19 09:09:18
Peasant He/Him Brazil
Some day I'll finish my mod... Some day... 
Hmmm... Not yet... I haven't a good graphic program here... But I'm learning how to use an 3D graphic creator (Anim8or), at the demo version the mew monsters that I've found at other sites will not appear... But at the complete game I have plans to use 4 new monsters.

And if this game don't be so scary, I'll fix it at my third mod (Yes, I haven't done my first but I have ideas for the third mod...), at the third mod you'll play with a guy who lived on the isle when this things starts to happen.

Now back to COD, to the ones that don't know, the Red Knight is a monster like "Nemesis" from RE 3, he will appear and you will disappear!! If e hits you you die...

I'll add two screenshot, but... How can I do this??

CastMan has released 4 files

Darklands Cliffs 'n' RoadDevelopment, GraphicsGood 8.0September 4th, 2011
Goblin Wars - Breaking PointD-Mod, RompFair 6.3July 17th, 2011
Dink Smallwood FreeMapDevelopment, UtilityExceptional 9.0November 9th, 2010
Dink Smallwood at the City of the DeadD-Mod, DemoFair 6.3December 29th, 2007

CastMan has written 4 reviews

The Last Quest - The Last Quest Part 1: The OraculumNormalFair 6.5November 7th, 2016
Quest Log Review Item - Quest LogNormalGood 8.5December 14th, 2009
You´Re Lyna(Milder´S Widow) And 10 of the King´S Knights have Disapeared Lyna's StoryNormalExceptional 9.9May 16th, 2006
It´S Like the Old Arcade Game Dink RacerNormalFair 5.0February 27th, 2006

CastMan has taken 2 screenshots

Preview Darklands Cliffs 'n' RoadSeptember 4th, 2011
Preview Dink Smallwood at the City of the DeadJanuary 3rd, 2008