The Dink Network

Discussion Two : Essence of a d-mod...

Last week I started a discussion about cheating in a d-mod. I think it was quite the success I had hoped for, although there is still a thing I would like to point out : You will not be shot for your opinion. Even though everyone says "A", it doesn't mean you can't say "Z".

Somebody suggested the topic of .d compressing or not, but I will delay that for now since it kind of leans to the precious discussion in a way.

That said, move on to the comments and learn what this week's discussion is about!

What is it that makes a d-mod a good d-mod? Is it the story? The quests? Replayability? New graphics? The music perhaps? Talk about what you think is the most important aspect and if you think somebody gives an absolutely ridiculous argument for putting a certain aspect in the spotlights, react and weaken the argument!