The Dink Network

Dink and the Bonca

August 8th 2009, 09:07 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The world could always use more heroes 
I have decided it is time for me to finish the idea for a D-Mod that I've had since I was first here. As it has been years since then I no longer have those files that I created, so I get to start from scratch. I am attempting to learn the language of DinkC so I can script everything myself, and so far it is going great! I shall work on this as much as i can. (I start school in a couple days, so progress will be slow) Hopefully I won't encounter any problems with scripting. I will post updates to my progress every once in a while.

The size of this D-Mod will be a small Quest (estimated about 2 hours tops).

Dink gets called to the town known as "Randomness" by his long time friend Luke. Luke tells Dink to stop the menacing bonca before it destroys the town. Little does Dink know, there are way bigger plots afoot than the simple matter of a rouge bonca.

The way this mod's story is set up, this is basicly part 1 of a series. I might make a sequal to this, as there will be a cliffhanger ending.
Progress as of now
Mapping: 10%
Whole game: 5%

If anyone has any suggestions or advice I will be more than happy to listen.

-The DinkKiller
August 10th 2009, 01:18 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
The world could always use more heroes 
After 3 days of tedious work and learning DinkC. I expect the D-Mod to be roughly 2 hours long at most once completed.

Mapping: ~40%
Story(scripting): ~15%

I will definately need more help with this from fellow dinkers, I will ask for it when i need it.
August 10th 2009, 09:00 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The world could always use more heroes 
Day 4

Mapping: 60%
Story(scripting): 50%
Overall: ~45%

I start school tomorrow so progress will slow down a fair bit.
August 10th 2009, 09:14 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Love! True love! 
Yeah, don't work too much your last day before school though, just relax or you might lose the desire to finish this. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to playing it.
August 10th 2009, 09:25 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The world could always use more heroes 
Thanks. As this is my first D-Mod, I have a lot of scripting to learn. But so far I am happy with how it's turning out. DinkC is far easier to learn than I had thought, and the TDN community is more than able to help me when I don't know how to script something.

If all goes to plan, this D-Mod will be a great, decent sized Quest. Let's hope I don't mess it up too bad.
August 12th 2009, 11:14 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The world could always use more heroes 
Well...Lets see...I just got a drum set and so I will be practicing that a bit, and possibly joining a progress on my D-Mod will slow down even more. I do plan to finish the D-Mod eventually though.

Scripting: about 60-65%
Mapping: 45-50%
Overall: 55ish%?

(I'm doing the maps involving the story first, then I'll finish all the blank maps inbetween)

Anyway, that's all for my update. Have a nice day ^_^

-The DinkKiller
August 15th 2009, 10:59 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The world could always use more heroes 


Estimated date of completion:
early September to late October I hope.

Once I complete it and fix any bugs I find, I will find a few beta testers, to help me spot and fix bugs I didn't find. I should have it completed this year for sure.

-The DinkKiller
August 18th 2009, 07:30 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The world could always use more heroes 

Scripting: 80%
Mapping: 75%
Overall: ~75%

Should hopefully be released by September

Dun rly need to say anything else.

-The DinkKiller
August 18th 2009, 08:08 PM
Can you post some screenshots?

It's cool that you seem to be making progress, but I can't say I'm really looking forward to this since you haven't actually told much of anything about the dmod.
August 20th 2009, 10:02 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The world could always use more heroes 
I could probably take some screenshots soon if i feel like it. And I don't want to give much of my story away, but I will say that I will be involving an Ice Sword in the D-Mod (from the elemental swords pack) and that Dink has to battle an evil wizard.
August 25th 2009, 06:48 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The world could always use more heroes 
My comp sucks and wont let me take screenshots...I'm sorry.


Scripting: ~95%
Mapping ~80%
Some bugs I need to fix

Should be finished by next week yay
September 2nd 2009, 07:47 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The world could always use more heroes 
Well, I have some excelent news.

Once I make sure the last bugs have been ironed out, DatB will be complete and uploaded. ^_^

I hope everyone enjoys my first D-Mod

-The DinkKiller