The Dink Network

Attack of the Army (The)

The titular attack of the army. From the COTPATD project. A dead wizard Visiting the king.
August 22nd, 2003
Score : 1.0 horrible
Worst Dmod Ever (The) 1.0 By GlennGlenn
well it should be called that
it crashes on some computers and works on others

Hmmm a not to bad start screen
and theres a new graphic in graphics folder

Hmm hardness bugs everywhere a screen with screenlock and a monster to kill to unlock it
wait????? YOU CANT HURT HIM!!

Hmmm GlennGlenn used screenmatch on some screens but not on others
a ok sized world for a romp but wait???
his ice island has almost nothing on apart from a castle!!
it isnt hard to place monsters or rocks!!
and in the main city places have so many trees you cant see!
Spread It Out!!
monsters in a dungeon wait a second.....Oh Yes they kill you instantly and you cant hurt them hardly at all
and then lots of potions and hearts for the next room FILLED WITH SUPER STRONG MONSTERS!!
you cant kill them!! well not without cheating
and dinkmega beta tested this dmod but he didnt do a good job
i had to cheat to complete it and it has the most awful ending ever!!
also we can see that glennglenn swears
now he is 13 and i think he sweared to fit in with the older members here but that really dosent suit him also theres no real story
why is the army killing people? we dont know
maybe glennglenn should update this dmod and give it a better story or make a dmod set before it so we understand it better

good midis but ive hard most of them before
Lets go more deeper to the story folder
WOW Great!! some really exciting phrases such as
here are the army keep out and this man is dead
you see what i mean??
if there was a vote for the worst Dmod ever this would get my vote
sorry GlennGlenn but try harder next time
im sorry if i seem harsh its only to help you learn

Final Verdict