The Dink Network

Jani the Ultimate Warrior graphics pack

This graphics file contains my self created adventure stick man named Jani the Ultimate Warrior. Shortly said, 'Jani'.

It is not very nice, but might still be useful for someone.

A lot of act that he could do is not added yet. Actually, it only has 'DIE, HIT, IDLE' and 'WALK' sequences.

Hope you like it.
Released:January 25th, 2008
File Size:122.39 KB
Release Notes:Initial version.
June 10th, 2008
Score : 0.2 horrible
Peasant He/Him Romania
Thankfully, my brain is rewritable. 
When I downloaded this, I thinked I would find something good. Well, I found a bunch of junk. Even a 4 years old child would have made something better! Anyone can create pictures like these, in no more, than 30 seconds each!

A very bad Graphics pack, not worth downloading.

By the way, my dead grandfather's nickname was Jani too...