The Dink Network

Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT

Here we have an extremely detailed screenshot of Dink trying to shake hands with Mr. Fire Pillbug. The temple of air. From the COTPATD project. Dinkaxian minigame. From the COTPATD project.
November 8th, 2007
Score : 9.9 exceptional
Peasant He/Him Singapore
Man, I love Necrodragons.... 
I played this awesome game and it took me about a few hours to complete, everything is nice about this game except.........the end boss. I mean just look at him, FIAT looks like a oversize golfball with two ugly arms and it dosen't seem to match with all the other elemental monsters. Neverless, it is a very fun game as many cool new graphics were put together with it.