The Dink Network

Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT

Dinkemon minigame. From the COTPATD project. A scene from the minigame Here we have an extremely detailed screenshot of Dink trying to shake hands with Mr. Fire Pillbug.
April 25th, 2002
Score : 9.7 exceptional
Peasant They/Them
it was a good D-mod.There were very few bugs in the game,alot of cool new weapons and enemies.All of the bosses were pretty easy eccept the earth knight
The graphics were good I would give them a 9.9
The game play was good other than some freezes at the end of the game
Iwould giv gameplay a 9.0
Sounds they got anoying after awile but compared to other D-MODs they were good 9.2
overall I would give it a 9.7