The Dink Network

Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT

A scene from the minigame The temple of air. From the COTPATD project. Dinkaxian minigame. From the COTPATD project.
January 13th, 2002
Score : 9.8 exceptional
Great dmod! Some great new graphics and monsters that change with the location. Not the same ol' find some magic and kick butt type of dmod. Not every magic works well in every area. And you really have to EARN the magic you get. I thought the midi's were good, I really liked the one on Odvi. The Bosses were a B*tch to beat, but fiat wasn't so tough. So many secrets, and took me over a month to find them all. Within this DMOD are what Dan calls mini-games. These mini-games are actually certifiable stand-alone DMODs. One is unlike anything I've seen, you train elemons for battle - you'll have to play it and see. It is obvious that this mod was a challange to make and it is as equally challanging to beat. The challange lays mostly with finding all the add-ons and hidden secrets. For example: The use of an ultimate weapon when defeating the final boss gives you an extended ending. But getting an ultimate weapon is the tough part.

New loading screen and new main menu with great graphics and new ideas. Who is that bald dude?

The plot in my opinion flows nicely and rarely leaves you wondering what you must do next. The one draw back I see refers to the map size. With the size of the map, I wish Dink could find teleports (hidden under burnable trees or something), because after beating FIAT, you must again travel the entire map in search of...well you know.

POTA, Stone of Balance and Isle of croth were great dmods because they were big,cohesive and introduced new ideas in dmods. I feel this dmod did that as well, although some tinkering was needed to work out the bugs. This is the best DMOD to date in my opinion, narrowly edging out POTA, in large part due to the entertaining add-ons hidden in the game. One last note: I hate that dang pig who steals my water! Hate him! I'll never look at pigs the same way again