The Dink Network

Dink Smallwood

FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD Maybe his cousin or long lost brother
March 7th, 2003
Score : 9.9 exceptional
In the beginning, he is a good son to his mother, and helps her out with tending to the pigs. He also thinks he is a ladies man with all his hit-on techniques. But when he gets home from getting Alktree nuts for his mother, his home is on fire, and his mother is dead. When he runs out of the blazing home, the entire town ( Except Milder who probably could care less ) is standing outside his home, trying to comfort him. This is the beginning of an adventure of a life time...

The map designing was AWESOME!! The potions and extra health thing was a great idea. Weapons and storyline were superb. Music fitted the story perfectly. Spells graphics weren't cheezy looking like other games i've seen (They were good, not bad). Great ending, Milder dying added some dramatic effect. The humor, omg, was one of the best parts of the whole game! Most of the time, i was laughing my arse off!

Only one i saw, that was when i got stuck on the cliff near the end when i was getting hellfire.


A dramatic, humerous game, with very few flaws. I reccomend this game to anybody.

9.9 score