The Dink Network

Agathain Sea Traders

Can anyone help The map that serves as a setting for the game.
September 2nd, 2012
Score : 2.5 horrible
Peasant He/Him United States
Making Topics off-track faster then you can say it 
Plot: You have to buy and sell and buy and sell over and over and if you don't have 100 gold you lose your crew which do nothing from what it seems and you have to get 100 gold in debt payed
Music: It was good for the different areas, but it would get annyoing after a while of hearing sooner or later
Time: It took about 5 to 10 minutes before it got boring or annoying
Personal: It got boring after a while if I wanter to trade things I would play Fable to get some extra gold and It seemed like the price of food always rised and the selling value was lowered
Sword's Rating: He didn't see it he was busy doing stuff
Bugs: I'm not sure, but if the food thing isn't a bug then I find any
Recommondation: People who like things that are slightly unfair or that require luck you should get it or if you have a collection.