Perilous Journey (A)
Storyline: Dink wants to buy the house in Terris, ends up in Port Town where he asks Charlie if he is willing to sell his house. But to get the house Dink has to enlist in the navy. The Northern Trading Company declared war on Port Town and Dink has to find out all he can about this army.
Map and graphics: The map of Port Town is done nicely, but after that the map is rather empty. There is a new animation of smoke coming out of a chimney but it is going too fast.
Music: The music suits the situation al right.
Good: It is nice to see a D-mod about the empty house in Terris. The idea of Dink embarking on a ship is nice too. Port Town is done nicely, and there is a fair share of humour in the D-mod.
Not so good: After Port Town there is nothing more to do, and there is no end to this D-mod. It leaves you a bit disappointed, although the other stated this al right. There are no borders in the second part. There is an extra folder in the zip file, so, after you have unzipped it, you have to move the journey folder to the Dink Smallwood folder, otherwise the game will not play. In the readme.txt is says: ‘Approximate time 10+ hours, depending upon skill level of player’, but I finished it in about five minutes - I guess this note is about the full version.
Remarks: The file came with a zip file for the source, but the scripts were .c files. There are some .db files. There are .ff files of the graphics, but the .bmp files are there too. The file came wit a saved game. It also came with two dink.dat files. But the author said that he would solve that in the next version.
Overall: A nice beginning, but after that there is nothing to do.
Fit for: If you do not mind a D-mod with no end.
Map and graphics: The map of Port Town is done nicely, but after that the map is rather empty. There is a new animation of smoke coming out of a chimney but it is going too fast.
Music: The music suits the situation al right.
Good: It is nice to see a D-mod about the empty house in Terris. The idea of Dink embarking on a ship is nice too. Port Town is done nicely, and there is a fair share of humour in the D-mod.
Not so good: After Port Town there is nothing more to do, and there is no end to this D-mod. It leaves you a bit disappointed, although the other stated this al right. There are no borders in the second part. There is an extra folder in the zip file, so, after you have unzipped it, you have to move the journey folder to the Dink Smallwood folder, otherwise the game will not play. In the readme.txt is says: ‘Approximate time 10+ hours, depending upon skill level of player’, but I finished it in about five minutes - I guess this note is about the full version.
Remarks: The file came with a zip file for the source, but the scripts were .c files. There are some .db files. There are .ff files of the graphics, but the .bmp files are there too. The file came wit a saved game. It also came with two dink.dat files. But the author said that he would solve that in the next version.
Overall: A nice beginning, but after that there is nothing to do.
Fit for: If you do not mind a D-mod with no end.