The Dink Network

Archive - April 2017

New Contest: Bloop the Fish
Posted by redink1 on Saturday April 1st, at 08:41 AM
Are you interested in making your own D-Mod? Have you made a few half-finished D-Mods, but never found the motivation to finish one? Do you only make D-Mods when a contest gives you a structure and a deadline? Well, then here's something for you!

Yes, we are holding another contest. This time the contest will be about... Bloop the Fish. Bloop the Fish was a, er, 'charming' D-Mod originally released by old-school Dinker Instalite waaay back on January 22nd, 1999. It was notable for featuring brand new original MSPaint graphics of fish, sharks, and, uh, water.

Since then, there have been two unofficial sequels:

Bloop the Fish 2, from SabreTrout in 2003. As the legendary Paul Pliska stated, "Hate to say it, but the original was better."

A Fish Named Bloop, from iplaydink in 2014. This was a solid adventure that looked great, with new graphics that really take advantage of Dink's 'recent' true-color mode support.

This contest will continue the 'tradition' of Bloop the Fish D-Mods, and will involve a main player character named Bloop who is also a fish.

See the comments for more details.

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