The Dink Network

dinkaholic's Profile

I currently live in Aiken, South Carolina. That is only 30 minutes from Augusta Georgia.

Private Message

2002-07-24 11:06:47
: Since it seems to be such a hot topic here at the dink network as of recently lets get a phatty message board thread going on mary jane. I for one am an avivd smoker of Cannibus and fully support its legalization. Is anyone else in the DN a stoner like me? or are there some snoody biatches who think Weed is bad for you because Officer richard told you so when you were in D.A.R.E.

I'm a constant stoner but seldom get behind the wheel while high. I agree wholeheartly with WC about driving though. Whether alchol or drugs don't drive. There are plenty of people in prison who didn't belive it would ever happen to them.

Too late now.

dinkaholic has written 2 reviews

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Simeon Proves Himself/Herself As a Dmod Creator with "Once in a Lifetime Once in a LifetimeNormalGood 8.5April 9th, 2002