The Dink Network

Flood's Profile

Peasant He/Him New Zealand
Hi I'm from New Zealand. I don't have much more to say about me

Private Message

2009-08-30 08:23:26
Peasant He/Him New Zealand
loved the humour in this game. but I think the "light Sword" should be renamed the DARK sword, seeing as using it crashed the game. nonetheless I am a little dissapointed in this game. may write a reveiw if I finish the D-MOD

Flood has released 1 file

A Day in the Life of Dink SmallwoodD-Mod, QuestGood 7.0July 13th, 2009

Flood has written 4 reviews

Could do better Hotel of the Middle NightNormalFair 5.5July 8th, 2009
Normally I Don't Play the Demo Dmods but I Decided To Download Crosslink Because of the Hi... CrosslinkNormalExceptional 9.5April 26th, 2006
This is a Great Dmod For Those of You Who Like Games Where You Run Around Killing Everythi... MayhemNormalExceptional 9.7January 14th, 2005
This Dmod Was Ok it had a Good Storyline And Great Gameplay Although the Music Didn't Fit ... Blood ScorpionsNormalGood 7.0October 1st, 2004