help! stuck
Basilisk Smile (The)
I reach Mc Phail healer shop. ( I've got fireball magic, Jassika is in her house) What can I do after it?
Talk to her XD
I alredy talked her! But I don't know what can I do!
Hmmm then you have to talk to her again and select two of three options(Don't select "Tell her your favourite joke"!)
But I "tell her my favourite joke" and nothing happen.
The others: Bully her : "She's far too annoying!
Stab her to death.
But there is a 4th ending. How can I go the otherside of the bridge?
The others: Bully her : "She's far too annoying!
Stab her to death.
But there is a 4th ending. How can I go the otherside of the bridge?
The other ending is to sail away with her in the boat.
You can't go across the bridge!
You can't go across the bridge!
What game is it? There is no good ending?????????
It was made for a contest of D-Mods with bad endings. It won!
"" "What game?" Uh, the Basilisk Smile."" It isn't "Uh, the Basiisk Smile".
It's "Basilisk Smile"
""There is no good ending?????????"". Sparrowhawk told the half of it. The author was aswell so Godda*n lazy!!
""There is no good ending?????????"". Sparrowhawk told the half of it. The author was aswell so Godda*n lazy!!
"It isn't "Uh, the Basiisk Smile". It's "Basilisk Smile"
Sorry, what? I said the Basilisk smile. You're confusing.
Sorry, what? I said the Basilisk smile. You're confusing.
I'm not that lazy. Not really.
But true enough, there's no way for Dink to 'win' the game.
But true enough, there's no way for Dink to 'win' the game.