The Dink Network

Updated D-Mod: I, Kara Gu v1.02

February 12th 2007, 06:13 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Arik has updated I, Kara Gu again, this time upping the version to v1.02. This version also fixes a few bugs (see the Release Notes for more details).

For those of you who haven't been paying attention, some reviews have been saying that I, Kara Gu is "certainly is one of the best ever made", "one of the most fun DMODs I have ever played", and "better than God, life, cheese, and Britney Spears combined". Granted, it seems that Arik has been paying off the reviewers with large crates full of bananas, but still, this level of praise is fairly rare.