new dmods
December 8th 2002, 07:24 PM


does anyone have an epic dmod comming out soon? the small ones aren't nearly as much fun to play.
: does anyone have an epic dmod comming out soon? the small ones aren't nearly as much fun to play.
Hopefully FIAT v1.00 will be out relatively soon... if I work on it a lot over Christmas break, it might be done by Janurary/February.
FIAT v1.00 is pretty much the same as FIAT v0.99, except quite a bit has been changed. heh. Like, some of the quests are the same, but others are different, and some areas are completely new. There will also be a new weapon. The overall goal, though, is all of the bugs should be gone.
Hopefully FIAT v1.00 will be out relatively soon... if I work on it a lot over Christmas break, it might be done by Janurary/February.
FIAT v1.00 is pretty much the same as FIAT v0.99, except quite a bit has been changed. heh. Like, some of the quests are the same, but others are different, and some areas are completely new. There will also be a new weapon. The overall goal, though, is all of the bugs should be gone.
: : does anyone have an epic dmod comming out soon? the small ones aren't nearly as much fun to play.
: Hopefully FIAT v1.00 will be out relatively soon... if I work on it a lot over Christmas break, it might be done by Janurary/February.
: FIAT v1.00 is pretty much the same as FIAT v0.99, except quite a bit has been changed. heh. Like, some of the quests are the same, but others are different, and some areas are completely new. There will also be a new weapon. The overall goal, though, is all of the bugs should be gone.
And new bugs will be introduced thanks in part to all the changes.
: Hopefully FIAT v1.00 will be out relatively soon... if I work on it a lot over Christmas break, it might be done by Janurary/February.
: FIAT v1.00 is pretty much the same as FIAT v0.99, except quite a bit has been changed. heh. Like, some of the quests are the same, but others are different, and some areas are completely new. There will also be a new weapon. The overall goal, though, is all of the bugs should be gone.
And new bugs will be introduced thanks in part to all the changes.

: does anyone have an epic dmod comming out soon? the small ones aren't nearly as much fun to play.
ddmodd is still going foreward, apart from the website, which is going backwards
WHEN it is realeased, it will be one kick ass dmod
ddmodd is still going foreward, apart from the website, which is going backwards

: : does anyone have an epic dmod comming out soon? the small ones aren't nearly as much fun to play.
"Warlock" is going pretty well...but at most will be a large quest, and won't be out for some time...a demo before christmas is very likely though.
"Warlock" is going pretty well...but at most will be a large quest, and won't be out for some time...a demo before christmas is very likely though.

01/01/03 :
Eternal Suicide
Chapter Zero
"Wasted Life"
the prologue to the saga.
A short one, treat it as an intro, not a fully playable d-mod.
For more 'bout chapter 1 :
It's my first one, so don't kill me if it ain't perfect !!!
Eternal Suicide
Chapter Zero
"Wasted Life"
the prologue to the saga.
A short one, treat it as an intro, not a fully playable d-mod.
For more 'bout chapter 1 :
It's my first one, so don't kill me if it ain't perfect !!!
: It's my first one, so don't kill me if it ain't perfect !!!
We won't kill you..but we might put you in a LOT of pain!