The Dink Network

How Do i Make D-mods???

November 9th 2005, 04:15 AM
Ghost They/Them
Hi I would like to ask everybody here How do i make D-mods? Because i want to make one but i dont know how i have got DFArc And i would like to know if there are anymore programs i need to make a D-mod if not could you please tell me how

Thanks Feron
November 9th 2005, 07:20 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
Well, DFArc(2) is the packaging program, you don't need it until the D-Mod's finished and ready for release.

To create a D-Mod, you'll need to make the map and you'll need to write the script that'll make the characters talk and such.

To create the map, you could use either DinkEdit (which comes with the game) or WinDinkEdit (which you can download here, it's a Windows version of DinkEdit). These programs can be used to create the map, like tiles, hardness and sprites.

You'll also need to learn a bit of DinkC, to let the character talks or to do cutscenes. For that, you'll need The DinkC Reference or the WinHelp version (it lists all the DinkC commands, really useful to see the possibilities - I saw redink1 was working on a document as well in Dink 1.08) . And I'd also recommend checking the Development section, specifically the Tutorials part for some tutorials to get you started, like how to set it up so you have an empty D-Mod (you could also use one of the Skeletons for that, they're in the File list; they're empty D-Mods so you can start right away).

And of course, you can ask here on the forums if you have any questions
November 9th 2005, 11:53 PM
Peasant He/Him
Thanks For that ill try those things ASAP And are there any guidlines to make that stuff and tell you how to do it?
November 10th 2005, 01:25 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
Go to "Dink smallwood directory\develop" and you'll find:

- Docs for starters.
- A DinkC reference file.
- The entire DinkC source for the original adventure. It helps, really!

Enjoy making dmods!
November 10th 2005, 02:03 PM
Peasant He/Him Norway
GlennGlenn doesn't want a custom title. 
If you need help with scripting can you download A program called EasyDinkC you can jsut search for it and you'll find it... I am too lazy to find the link and make a link for you here in this post
November 11th 2005, 02:37 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
November 11th 2005, 04:21 PM
Ghost They/Them
Thanks now i am preatty right im already starting on one now so itll take me awhile to finish it (Note:it may be preatty crap.)
November 12th 2005, 02:24 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
One more word of advice: Never release your first DMOD, it's usually crap. You could better use your first DMOD to gain some experience to make a good second DMOD. (I never released my second DMOD either though...)
November 12th 2005, 05:25 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
Actually, I did send in my first dmod after I was sure enough of the quality (something I am pretty good at).
November 12th 2005, 05:43 AM
Peasant He/Him Norway
GlennGlenn doesn't want a custom title. 
Yeah, but you knew C++ from the beginning and that makes it very much more easy to create a D-Mod
November 12th 2005, 06:58 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
The only things you'll recognize from C (because DinkC doesn't have features of C++) are basic math operations and the reserved words void, return and oh yeah, the brackets

A basic tutorial on DinkC is enough, it's only a simple scripting language
November 20th 2005, 06:19 AM
Peasant He/Him
OK, i started making my own D-mod, but...

Can someone please tell me WHERE or WHAT to start?
I suppose i should make the map first, and then the scripts...?

I use WinDinkEdit, and EasyDink C.
November 20th 2005, 06:45 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
Not necessarily. In fact, usually you're working on both: first some mapping, then some scripting, then some mapping again (the next area) and back to scripting again. But the very first step.. (after setting up the directory and files) would probably be mapping as you'd need to make a few screens where you can start placing characters/objects with scripts. But from there, it's up to you in what order you want to create the D-Mod.