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Ressurecting People

Cast Awakening Part 1: Initiation

October 30th 2005, 02:19 PM
Ok, I listened to Death and started killing people. Is there a way to bring them back? I've killed everyone I've come in contact with except for the guy in the bar/pub. I've got like 57 kills. I'm @ level 10 with my life meter going all the way to my weapon box and still don't have any magic. So now if I find the doll, there is no one to give it to. I can't take the dance challenge b/c I killed the pimp. Is the game an exercise in randomness now or is there some way to finish it and get the good ending?
October 30th 2005, 05:29 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Killing people has consequences.

You won't be able to get any Magic spells, but you should still be able to get the good ending.

In Level 1, Hall of Heroes, hit the suits of armor until they all face the correct direction. (look at the suits on the sides of the screen to see where they should be placed). That should reveal a passage to Level 0, and it should be fairly simple to proceed from there.