The Dink Network

Adventure Map

Cloud Castle 2: Scarab

July 12th 2005, 11:03 PM
Because of the old posts i'm assuming that the watcher from the village gives you a map in exchange of a bottle of water for his supply. How do i get it? Where can i search for it?
July 14th 2005, 05:10 PM
Peasant He/Him
Due to a bug, you currently can't get the water. I'm busy working on the new patch at the moment.
July 14th 2005, 05:52 PM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
How did all these things pass me by? I thought I tested fairly extensively... *shrug*
July 14th 2005, 06:34 PM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
Don't blame yourself, Tal. Whilst not only being pretty complicated at times, there was a lot of optional stuff to do in the d-mod.

You failure.
July 14th 2005, 06:58 PM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
!! I think I'll spite you fellows and seriously see how much I can break after that next patch release.
July 15th 2005, 11:38 AM
Peasant He/Him
It looks as though the problem may have been added after testing, judging by the update list. There's no record of any change to the bottle script, but there is of the reinstatement of the TOA level 3 bookshelf scripts, and these both have the same problem, so there's always the possibility they were both changed at the same time. Of course, I may have just copy & pasted the original problem over to the new scripts.