The Dink Network

Updated D-Mod: Zach the Marine

May 28th 2005, 10:22 AM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
El Chaotic has updated Zach the Marine. I'm not sure what changes he's made, but I'm sure they increase the Zachiness and Mariness to the Maxness.

June 2nd 2005, 06:36 PM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
I hardly noticed anything new in comparison to the previous version until I found out that you can supposedly access a secret after the final boss battle. I thought the secret was pretty cool: It restarted the D-Mod and mysteriously prompted my computer to dial out (or maybe that was just a coincidence?). I saved my game in Zach's house and quit at that point, then shortly afterward when I tried to load a game, Dink crashed.

June 2nd 2005, 09:01 PM
Peasant He/Him
Are you sure all the sounds & everything are there? If the secret was used without the sound in the SOUND directory, it crashes. And I fixed the village items, they now appear in the inventory.
June 2nd 2005, 09:16 PM
Peasant She/Her Canada
Wow! That DOES sound fun.I'm gonna download it again.Weeeeee!
June 3rd 2005, 03:33 AM
Peasant He/Him
Whoops, actually, theres 2 secrets. X_x