The Dink Network

New Files: Initation and Red Dragon Movies

September 19th 2004, 09:17 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Simon Klaebe has released an introduction for the (probably) cancelled Church of the Red Dragon and a trailer for my Initiation. Cool stuff.

I can only assume that the trailer for Initiation was born unto this world when SimonK was visited by the Fairy of Boredom and Despair one afternoon. With the Initiation Beta firmly tormenting his mind weeks after he touched it, he thought that making a trailer could help ease the pain. I'm guessing he was wrong.

September 20th 2004, 01:24 AM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
Alll I can say is... yum.

EDIT : Oh wait... I thought Initiation had been released. Aww, crap.
September 22nd 2004, 02:33 PM
Ghost They/Them
I've done a larger version (640 by 480) of the trailer using DivX 5.2.1 and a mp3 encoder - if you're interested head to my page at Dinkworld for the link....

You will need to have the DivX and mp3 codecs

Oh and it's 13 MB

September 22nd 2004, 02:46 PM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
I haven't tried Red Dragon yet, but the Initiation trailer rocks. It really does.

You the man, Simon. You the man.
September 23rd 2004, 07:00 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
Ah yeah I remember playing an early version of Initiation some time ago.. good D-Mod to say the least Dunno if much has changed since then though
September 24th 2004, 05:06 PM
Peasant They/Them
Is "Church of the Red Dragon" an abandoned d-mod, or are you planning to develop it once Windemere is released?
September 24th 2004, 07:13 PM
Ghost They/Them
Yeah, the red dragon thing is pretty much abandoned. At one stage it might have been recycled for Legend's Tale, I can't really remember (or maybe I was going to rework it, or do another completely new one...)

As for new DMODs from me, I've no definite plans. Windmere is eagily awaited from my end. If I could program I'd have helped out.

Maybe I should give Windmere the Legend's Tale's graphics I did (Kyle suggest that)... it does mean re-rendering them with 32bit and alpha... hmmm
September 25th 2004, 02:08 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
As for new DMODs from me, I've no definite plans. Windmere is eagily awaited from my end.

Lol, same for me.. but I do have some ideas/plans for a new D-Mod