The Dink Network

Pets (Somewhat Disturbing)

November 16th 2003, 03:15 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Back home, our neighbors down the road have a dog named Zoe. It was originally ours, but was given to them when it was just a puppy. The mother, Molly, and brother, Sam, were shot by an unknown hunter back out in our woods a few years ago.

Well, it looks like our neighbors had a dog named Zoe. It went missing over the past week, along with a few others in the neighborhood. Our neighbors thought that a hunter probably shot them as well.

However, it seems like something far worse befell them. While our neighbors went out looking in the woods, along the roads, etc for the dogs, they happened to stumble upon a couple black trash bags near a bridge over a creek about a quarter mile away from my house today. I don't know why my neighbors opened the bags up, perhaps thinking that the hypothetical hunter had shot them and bagged them up, but whatever reason it looks like they found what they were looking for, just in a very bad way.

They found two dog corpses, skinned, with their teeth missing. And if I remember what my mom said correctly, upon further search they found one or more other black trash bags along other roads with similar results.

The cops were called, and they did show up and investigate what they could.

But one of the saddest things is they don't even know if any of them that were found is Zoe or not.

I can understand the killing for food of chickens, cows, and even dogs in countries where that is customary. But I can't understand taking someone else's pet to kill in such a way.
November 16th 2003, 05:14 PM
Evil. Evil. Evil. *growl*
November 17th 2003, 10:46 AM
Peasant He/Him Belgium
I'd say kill em all >( The evil ones. Not the dogs. I love dogs

I get surprised every day of how evil mankind can be. And that's WITHOUT looking at the news everyday.
November 17th 2003, 04:46 PM
Peasant They/Them Canada
Ask around about buying a stuffed /taxideried dog. Mabey someone hopes to make money off you without realizing you actually care.
November 17th 2003, 08:51 PM
Ri-i-i-cccc! They didn't realize anyone cared!!

Why do we call them 'pets'?

Physco's nearly always start killing animals before they graduate to humans. And they start when they are young. Hope they catch whoever did this and bury 'em up to their necks in a lime pit. Then they can get the thrill of losing their own skin.
November 19th 2003, 08:22 AM
Peasant They/Them United States
keep it real 
maybe some kid saw texas chainsaw massacre and started making things out of hide and teeth. i mean, what a waste of life though... all those discarded internal organs, skulls, eyes and such...

i knew a kid who built a makeshift flamethrower- hellbent on torching an ellusive rabbit who lived under his porch or something to hang the skull on his wall. i think its pretty freakin cool, but taking peoples pets is cruel. people love their pets more than other humans sometimes.

i went to the humane society to pick up, ironically enough, a rabbit for my sister. there were signs that warned against giving a pet to someone who was not certified to work at the humane society (ie imposter satanists) because some wackos out there use cats and rabbits for satanic ritual sacrifices.

also, jeffrey dohmer stared out killing animals. and look were it got him. so there is always hope that the freaks in your neighborhood will put their talent to good use.
November 23rd 2003, 08:42 PM
Peasant He/Him
if any one tries to hurt my bunnie or my cat ill slit their throat.
November 24th 2003, 06:06 AM
Peasant They/Them Netherlands duck
Mmmm, pizza. 
And what if your bunny and cat start hurting eachother?
November 24th 2003, 03:28 PM
Peasant He/Him
Thats why my rabbit(Toby) lives in my bed room. My cat (precious) has the rest of the house because he is very agressive. He's a nice cat and all, but we don't believe in de-clawing. My rabbit doesn't mind, seeing as he gets my whole bed room floor. He's out all day, and we tuck him into his cage at night when we go to bed. Toby is very playful! He loves to play in my bathrobe when it hung on the doornob, and he like to play in the laundry and sit in the hamper before i put it away. He is always happy to see us and runs over to us and around our feet. Once he woke me up when my mom let him out in the morning. He hoped on top of the laundry in the hamper at the foot of my bed, then hopped in bed with me.
November 26th 2003, 12:15 PM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
Cat's lick their genitalia. They deserve to die.

But seriously, that is messed up. You don't get that sort of freakiness in the U.K.
We turn the skin inside out, and stick it back on. Each other.