The Dink Network

Updated File: WinDinkEdit Plus 2

March 13th 2012, 03:21 AM
RW's found and fixed another little bug in WinDinkEdit+ 2, where random stuff got written to dink.ini after a few undo/redos of sprite hardness editing.

Now you can play with Dink's hardness all you like - safely

March 13th 2012, 10:50 AM
Peasant He/Him Cuba
I'm simply a distraction. 
Safety is rule number one.
March 13th 2012, 06:44 PM
Peasant They/Them
The Dark Lord of the DN. 
Once again, I argue this; Test and fix everything before sending it out. Saves us having to read 10 thousand update threads. Even if you can't fully fix it, at least have the courtesy to try and fix as much as you can and make sure there are no errors when using it. A update every now and then is fine; Just not when I have to see so many updates on the front page of this forum.
March 13th 2012, 07:48 PM
Hear hear. Or in this case, three!

Not just one... Not just two... But THREE.
March 13th 2012, 09:01 PM
You could get some beta testers. Then you could send them updates until the main bugs are worked out rather than posting all the updates on the site.
March 14th 2012, 01:11 AM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
Thanks Absolution, sadly I agree.

Also the fact we can't package our games is a pain in the bum - because it's made to work separate from dfarc, but dfarc is still required to package the games into a .dmod file (new users will have no clue how to package their games now), so it would be more useful to be able to continue to open dfarc and select this versions executable to be the default editor.

Please believe there is no issue that you have done a wonderful job of improving this file with some really great additional bells and whistles, you really have! Whilst its awesome you are so proactive in getting the bugs ironed out of this file and we genuinely are very keen on the final version it would be nice to see some serious testing done before any more updates Then hopefully you could upload a final working copy

The continual updates is also why I have ignored your request to update my review - I simply cant write fast enough to keep up with all your uploads.
March 14th 2012, 02:17 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
I don't think criticising RW for updating WDE+2 regularly is really fair.. A couple of points that may have been overlooked:
1) RW could get some beta testers but the fact is the number of active Dinkers is so small that the people he could get to beta test would probably be 50%+ of the people using the program anyway. That means that a beta release isn't really that much different to a public release
2) No one can really 'demand' anything from anyone else here... It's all just a hobby for everyone. For just a side hobby of course mistakes are going to be made, and they should be fixed asap
March 14th 2012, 03:05 AM
"so it would be more useful to be able to continue to open dfarc and select this versions executable to be the default editor. "

Why can't you do this? I can...
March 14th 2012, 03:46 AM
Peasant He/Him New Zealand
I'm pretty sure I'm worth atleast SIX goats... 
Am i the only one who noticed the condom thing?
March 14th 2012, 03:54 AM
In case it wasn't clear, on my part I was being sarcastic... There have been a total of three updates in the past 2+ weeks (5 total), the only update that can by any stretch of the imagination be considered superfluous being the last one. All the others have been pretty substantial, and at least two weeks apart each. It's like productivity is a sin now. (That may fit in with TDN's laziness credo but... dang!)
March 14th 2012, 07:19 AM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
@sparrow Um pass... I have tried and it wont do eettt and when earlier versions let me it wouldnt stay as a choice let alone the default - how are u managing to make it stick??

It's like productivity is a sin now. <-- I lol'd scratchy one
March 14th 2012, 10:17 AM
It's like productivity is a sin now.

It is! It makes everybody else have to be productive when they don't want to. They have to *ugh* download and install the new version. And learn how to use the new features! Not to mention that the mods have to approve and post about it. How rude. It would be better just to let it be buggy.

March 14th 2012, 10:31 AM
Peasant They/Them Netherlands duck
Mmmm, pizza. 
I'm with Someone here, especially the first point. In addition to that, there's nothing at all against not updating to a new version if the bugs that have been fixed haven't bothered you.

If you're really concerned about WDE+2-related announcements filling up the front page... I see that more as a lack of other Dink-related announcements than as an abundance of WDE+2 ones. Hopefully this problem will fix itself, as RW is really doing a great job making D-Mod creation easier.
March 16th 2012, 05:27 PM
Peasant He/Him Sweden
I'd rather see the front page full of updates than.. you know, the usual stuff
March 16th 2012, 05:54 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Love! True love! 
My opinions have basically been said in this thread by others already, but here they are anyway:

1) "dfarc is still required to package the games into a .dmod file (new users will have no clue how to package their games now)"
One thing about this. As you said, DFArc has always been required to package games into a .dmod file. So if this has always been the standard, wouldn't new users have had trouble in the past? I did, and so did others, so there were answers scattered across the forums (this is mostly based on you ending adding "now" to the end of that, implying new users had been able to package with the editor before).

2) Skorn, there are currently three update threads on the first page of the forum, and one of them is down in the darkness of the bottom of the page. So you can see two. I hardly see this as a problem, considering these threads are about improvements to software that nearly everyone uses to contribute to this community.

3) RW rocks.

4) I'm confused entirely as to why some people think the abundance of updates is bad.
"I'm downright sick of RW improving one of the single most important tools in the entirety of the Dink Network!"
"...*falcon punch*"
March 16th 2012, 08:49 PM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
You may disagree but, like you, I am allowed to have my opinion,though I am not feeling as heated about it as u lot seem to be lol. I mean geesh it was a comment not a call for a banishment and lashes of the whip! What's wrong with checking for errors to the best of your ability before uploading a file? Especially when you have spent so much time making something. *shrugs* whatever...

As you said, DFArc has always been required to package games into a .dmod file.
Yes and as I also said - I can NOT get this version to allow me to set and save this as my default editor in DFArk anymore and assumed (obviously idiotically) that it was not just a problem I faced.

That's how I have always used it and at 97 you expect me to change my ways!! INCOMPREHENSIBLE! Stabs the word "now" over and over and over
March 17th 2012, 07:48 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
What's with all these complaining and arguing people doing my job?