The Dink Network

Updated Files: Wars, Quizzes and Snow

August 8th 2011, 05:42 AM
Here's a bunch of updates that haven't been pending very long at all and aren't all shoved into the same news post, because the staff aren't slacking at all! Hooray.

Castman has updated his D-Mod Goblin Wars - Breaking Point again to fix a couple of bugs, Zeddexx's Dink Z Trivia now has reduced vanity and DinkDude95 now has increased vanity.
...I mean, he's updated his Snow to Grass Tiles to add a concrete path and to fix the alignment slightly.

August 8th 2011, 05:43 AM
Finally, zeddexx got a little bit modest.
August 8th 2011, 12:50 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Love! True love! 
The snow tiles have some blue hardness all over them. Fix pl0x. Unless it's my fault. Which it probably is.

EDIT: Yeah, my fault >_>