The Dink Network

Not So New File: Dink Smallwood HD

June 20th 2011, 05:15 PM
Bard They/Them Netherlands
Lazy bum 
How many of you thought "I could have sworn I ran Dink Smallwood in high resolution once. I thought Seth ported the iPhone version to Windows, but did that really happen? I can't find the dang file anywhere, it must have all been a dream...".

Well, dear Dinkers, it was not. But here is the official confirmation: Dink Smallwood HD has a real, tangible file link on our beloved website. Download it if you haven't already, even to just check it out. It ups the resolution and has some neat features like quicksaving and loading. It has some faults as well though, it's still in development after all.

Thank Scratcher for realizing Dink HD really wasn't just some silly dream.

June 20th 2011, 05:44 PM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
It wasn't a dream? Dammit. I was hoping it was, so RTSoft could have created an even better HDink in reality.