The Dink Network

Pollocracy eight: Obscure darkness

December 22nd 2010, 10:40 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
Yep it's time for the eight installment of Pollocracy, because not even Pollocracy can do without a number eight.

For those of you who don't know what Pollocracy is all about: It's about the 'any comments?' box below the poll. Everything posted in there will be reviewed and if it is somehow appropriate, misplaced, funny or enlightening it has a random chance to be posted here.

See the comments for the entire article.

As usual we have three comments per poll and all text [between brackets] was added by me:

Poll 166: Which language would you like to learn?

3) Dude, why is 'Elvish' not an option? Gîl síla na lû govaded
2) Dink cee all the wee.
1) My language skills consist of English, slapping foreigners, and weilding projectile weapons at hostiles. Why would I need to learn another language?

[What if I wanted to learn a programming language without knowing how to program... Would that be like learning a normal language without knowing how to speak?]

Poll 167: Do you like books?

3) Did someone say books? *Sneeze* Dusty things... *COAGH* *SNEEZE*
2) Books are the best source of entertainment, apart from a good old flame war I guess
1) I incinerate all books that do not contain the title "Dink C Reference"

Poll 168: What do you think of the Dink Wiki?

3) Commandment 11: Thou shalt haveth a wiki for all things.
2) It has the potential to make a bicycle roll down a hill and hit a goblin in the face with a baseball bat, and then the goblin craps its pants, because it is constipated. The end. Thanks.
1) We have a Dink Wiki?

Poll 169: At the end of the rainbow there is:

3) Everybody knows it's a pot of cookies. It's my secret sta- forget about that last bit...
2) A bunch of pirates worshipping DDC. I mean, who wouldn't love the combination of pirates and DDC?! Heeyo hoy a bottle of rum we worship you DDC!!
1) A rainbow has no end as it is a complete cirlce

Poll 170: Which version of Dink do you use?

3) Would like to play it on NovaShell though... Oh well..
2) I've never actually played dink, I accidently ended up here looking for PORN featureing TALL women, and once I was here I couldn't leave!
1) Actually Aural+, but there is no option for that because SOMEONE forgot to include it.

[Geez... I wonder who someone is...]

Poll 171: Worst kind of spam post?

3) Posts offering fake bananas... how COULD they?
2) posts offering fake nigerians??
1) Polls about spam.....

[Spamming anti-spam messages... That reminds me of viral anti-virus software...]

Poll 172: Best new haircut for Dink?

3) Dreadlocks is the new Dink style - he cant have pig tails cause hes a closet "pig hugger" (you know - like the tree huggers ony not really) Dreads go with the green tights I recon !!
2) why stop at jst a new haircut as he could get the entire pig face.
1) Medusa, Dink needs more ways to bring harm to the world.

[Best hair style. Ever]

Poll 173: What should be featured on the dinknetwork emblem?

3) A pixely dink head on ghost castle tiles
2) DinkDude95's avatar.
1) Wireframe pillbug for the win!

[Hmmm... I should have added that the dinknetwork emblem should actually encourage people to visit.]

Poll 174: How normal are you?

3) normally abnormal
2) what is being normal anyhoo?
1) I'm tall. Not Tal. Not high. Just tall.

That's all for now, just keep commenting!
December 22nd 2010, 12:29 PM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Lmao at these. If I remember my comments correctly, mine only one of mine ended up here. The rainbow pirate one.
December 22nd 2010, 01:26 PM
Peasant He/Him bloop

December 22nd 2010, 01:59 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
In memory of Skull. 
First place in 166 and 168. Hell yes!

EDIT: I was seriously unaware there was a Dink wiki.
December 22nd 2010, 02:12 PM
Peasant He/Him Sweden
I only remember writing:
2) I've never actually played dink, I accidently ended up here looking for PORN featureing TALL women, and once I was here I couldn't leave!

EDIT: True story, btw.


3) A pixely dink head on ghost castle tiles

But I could have written others to and forgotten about them : o
December 22nd 2010, 05:13 PM
Peasant He/Him New Zealand rumble
"Skinny Legend" 
I distinctly remember saying [ I incinerate all books that do not contain the title "Dink C Reference" ]
I don't think any of my other comments made it to the finish line.
December 22nd 2010, 06:33 PM
Peasant He/Him Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands
Let us save our effort and just lie down and die. 
I thiiiiink I got one hit concerning normality... don't quote me there though
December 23rd 2010, 03:38 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
The Voice in the back of your head! 
Well this time i managed to get 2(well atleast from the ones i remember having send that is).

2) why stop at jst a new haircut as he could get the entire pig face.
2) what is being normal anyhoo?

well could be more but those slip my mind ATM but those i know o posted.

I only remember writing:
2) I've never actually played dink, I accidently ended up here looking for PORN featureing TALL women, and once I was here I couldn't leave!

nice to know you are into tall women too. though not my main preference for them it is a high scoring one(my highest scoring preference is them wearing a certain kind of of clothing but not telling what ))
December 23rd 2010, 11:50 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Let me heat that up for you... 
"I thiiiiink I got one hit concerning normality..."
     - schnapper, unsure about Pollocracy Eight
December 26th 2010, 08:06 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
The guy with the cute D-Mod. 
Poll 173: What should be featured on the dinknetwork emblem?

2) DinkDude95's avatar.

I wonder who wrote that one...
December 26th 2010, 09:29 PM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
I did