The Dink Network

Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT

Here we have an extremely detailed screenshot of Dink trying to shake hands with Mr. Fire Pillbug. Dinkaxian minigame. From the COTPATD project. Gladiator minigame. From the COTPATD project.
May 27th, 2002
Score : 8.7 good
Well, im afraid that not many of you are going to like my review. basically, while i though that FIAT was a great dmod, its still too close to teh original dink to my liking. i mean, the same old graphics, same weapon animations. Nothing was really dont to this dmod which i would call groundbreaking. HOWEVER, it did have some great scripting, cool midi's (esp. the one on odvi i thought), and a neat-o storyline.

Full points to the author for making a HUGE dmod, with all the same things as were found in the original. points taken off though, for using the same old graphics. one of the most crucial things i found, which lowers the score, are hardness bugs. i find this type of bug very annoying, as it completely ruins the effect of the game, if all of a sudden the player walks through that very solid looking wall... but yeah, it was a good dmod, with plenty of cool features. pity about the bugs!. (the author can think the stars i only played the latest version, not the initial release!)