The Dink Network

shri's Profile

2007-04-23 10:03:13
Peasant They/Them
I struck in this level. I know how to explode the bareel and i blewed some 5-6. Now the problem is i could not blew one bareel. This barrel is in west most side( Or users left most) The problem is between me and that stupid barrel there is one path(wher i cant go since it dosent have any path)which contaions some 6-7 hard rocks and 1 small gold rock (remember in some other dink games we used to get gold by scraching them). Now i cant hit the barrel from the path where it is and though i tryed to use air magic and trying some bounce back from where i am standing.... those rocks are blocking and air magic cant blast them.

Now am i doing something wrong is there any other way other then entering from west most path ? Or is it some bug ? Is there any way to clear those rocks since untill i blew them i cant proceed from west side .

friends I need your help. Plz Help me.