The Dink Network

jjohn's Profile

Peasant He/Him
I'm an independent contract programmer who's a big fan of Seth's work, starting with L.O.R.D. More than you'll ever want to know about me can be found on my web site.

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2006-03-02 00:34:59
Peasant He/Him
After 4-5 days of serious work, I've got something to show, though it's not ready for the official channels yet.

Looking for Sweetpea, build 0009 is available for those interested in alpha testing the code. I come from the "release early and often" school of development.

It's a 9 area map, a romp. I built this dmod to learn how to make dmods. The music isn't quite done and there's a side quest I'd like to add. There are no new graphics, except for the title screen.

All the source code comes with. I haven't reduced the package yet, in case you want to modify the map or something.

If you do play with this ALPHA CODE dmod, please let me know the following:

1) Are there hardness bugs? (There's one that affects the large boulder that I can't fix, but goes away if you reenter the screen)

2) Are there plot/state bugs? Do you get reactions for NPCs that are inappropriate to where you are in the game?

3) Are there sprite issues?

4) AI issues?

5) Does the dmod seem interesting enough for more work?

6) Is there too much dialog? Too little?

7) Does the game, which I admit is very linear, provide enough direction?

8) I need some ducks, don't I?

9) What's good about the music? What's bad about it?

10) Are the sound FX ok?

11) I'd like a "bigger" ending. I need to figure out cut scenes...

All comments are welcome. Some will even be listened to.

jjohn has written 6 reviews

At the Risk of Shocking Dinkers Here Land of Transforming DucksNormalHorrible 1.0February 28th, 2006
Very Interesting Idea Fairy Goodness OnlineNormalFair 5.0February 28th, 2006
This Dmod Made Me Laugh Out Loud Several Times Search for Milli Vanilli (The)NormalGood 7.0February 28th, 2006
I Really Enjoyed the Idea of Blob Taking the Dink Engine And Making an Arcade Game Out of it Bloop the Fish 2NormalFair 5.0February 28th, 2006
A Good Little Tool For Cheating^Wtesting Dmods Save Game Editor of JusticeNormalGood 8.0February 27th, 2006
This is a Very Original Dmod Cycles of EvilNormalGood 7.5February 27th, 2006