The Dink Network

xibalba's Profile

2012-05-06 17:31:07
Peasant They/Them
New to the board, but not to FreeDink.


1. What language is FreeDink written in?

2. Is it possible to replace the pseudo-3D graphics with, say, sprites similar in style to the Zelda games?

3. Is it possible to alter the HUD (Heads Up Display), so it's an actual HUD, similar to The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past or Mega Man X? I really want to increase the playable screen area.

4. Specific HUD question: I want to the Health and Mana meters to be simply Red and Green hearts, with numbers next to them which are your remaining amounts of health and mana. Sort of like this:
:red heart  : remaining health in decimal numbers
:green heart: remaining mana in decimal numbers

5. The game I want to make is basically a combination of ALTTP and Link's Awakening, with Job Classes thrown in, which is inherentaly modifiable in terms of:
*Specific game mechanics
**Scriptable stat and damage formula database, which includes:
***A do-it-yourself actor database for every actor in the game (by DIY, I mean the modder can rewrite and relabel all the stats which make up an actor, and what these stats do)
***A DIY class database for every class and meta-class, all of which are scriptable
****Meta-class data being race and gender of actors, among other things.
*The menu system/module
*The event scripting and text display systems/sub-modules of the field module

6. Is it, in your opinion, a good idea to use the FreeDink engine as a base (or at least a starting point) for a game engine which accomplishes all of the above? I'm not a coder, but I start school in the fall for Computer Science, so this is on my to-do list.

General Planning and Layout:
*Menu Module
**Opening Movie (skipable)
**New Game
**Debug Mode

***Shop database
****Items sold
****Item Price (if this isn't part of the item database, that is)
****Price modifier

**Field Menu (This may be part of the actual field module, IDK for sure - depends how fast the game can load modules)
***(Scriptable stuff that links various stats together)
***Item Menu
***Equipment Menu
***Magic Menu
***Status Menu
***Save Gamesave/Load Gamesave/Delete Gamesave

*Field module
**Event Scripting sub-module
**Text Display sub-module
**Battle sub-module
**Other stuff I don't know enough about as of yet

*Database Module
**Actors database (everything in the game that you can kill and which can kill you, including yourself)
**Classes database
***Meta-classes database
**Formulas database
**Abilities database
**Items database
**Other things I forgot.