The Dink Network

Pathfinder's Profile

Peasant He/Him China
I love hanging ON LINE without doing anything... 
Behold,Dink Smallwood!
Take a look at the world you loved.
The oceans are boiling,forests are burning,the earth is cracking,the sky is no more blue.Everything in this world is falling into chaos.
But I,Heins,Lord of darkness,will rule this world,and turn it into another paradise for demons.
Now make a choice,mortal.Join me,you can rule humans,or go against me,and fall into the deepest part of hell?

Private Message

2009-11-08 02:12:56
Peasant He/Him China
I love hanging ON LINE without doing anything... 
This is an interesting way to improve our DinkC skills,we can practice ourselves while coming up with good stories.
The following is an example:
say("Good day,ugh?",1);
say("so,let's begin!",&pathfinder);

Pathfinder has released 2 files

Ocean (The)Miscellaneous, Fan WorkFair 5.0May 10th, 2011
Vault-DinkMiscellaneous, Fan WorkN/AJanuary 14th, 2011