The Dink Network

Lunacre's Profile

2007-03-01 13:15:08
Peasant He/Him Finland
The guards should let you in, if you ask them to open the gate.

Lunacre has released 4 files

Adventures of Dink Smallwood Part 2: The Song of an Ancient WindD-Mod, DemoGood 7.2May 21st, 2007
Call to GreatnessD-Mod, RompGood 7.7November 30th, 2006
Adventures of Dink Smallwood Part 1: The Town of RakunaD-Mod, RompGood 7.7January 31st, 2006
Search for MotherD-Mod, RompTolerable 3.4February 23rd, 2005

Lunacre has written 5 reviews

Island of Hell Island of HellNormalFair 5.8December 18th, 2006
When I Found This Game Dink SmallwoodNormalExceptional 9.9August 9th, 2005
Excellent Graphic Pack For Those Who Want To Make a D-Mod with an Evil Dink Dark DinkNormalExceptional 9.0April 23rd, 2005
Well Lets See Goblin CastleNormalHorrible 0.1February 11th, 2005
This is Really Good D-Mod Prophecy of the AncientsNormalExceptional 9.5February 20th, 2004