The Dink Network

LPJoBo's Profile

Peasant He/Him
I am from Sweden and intrested in PC hardware, C/C++ Programming, languages and game design.
- And of course Dink Smallwood.

2006-10-20 I started correcting the free source code of Dink Smallwood 1.07 in order to understand the system of the game, lucky I have Visual C++6 Standard, otherwise I had been stucked.
Unfortunatly I do not have the MS VS .net 2005 that is necessary using the Dink Smallwood 1.08 source code, but I turn each coin to get there(-oh, saving, saving and saving.....).

Really cool, that RTsoft has released them, that gimme a wonderful opportunity to learn game programming the hard way, bless them.
After all, most programmers these days work on code others have made, at least according to my books on the related topics(-thought- a good way in, perhaps / perhaps not).
I really like tough challanges, it gives me much to live for.
Even if I fail I do not care, it will have been fun trying.

Private Message

2006-10-29 07:29:22
Peasant He/Him
Ok, this seems good anyway, you know when we can try out the corrections.
I just can't wait, it's too exciting.