The Dink Network

Exzcimus's Profile

Peasant He/Him Philippines
Change is constant, but Constants do not change. 
Some things about me;

1.) I love science.
2.) I am always curios and I spend at least 2 hours of thinking before going to sleep.
3.) Music is one reason I still wanna live.

Private Message

2019-08-27 11:19:05
Peasant He/Him Philippines
Change is constant, but Constants do not change. 
There must be some changes, seems like he doesn't wanna ruin the surprise. Im looking forward to this work, (even though the chances of release are extremely low).

Exzcimus has released 2 files

Dink Wallpaper/Fan ArtworkFan WorkGood 8.8August 5th, 2020
Sci-fi SFXMiscellaneousN/AApril 28th, 2020

Exzcimus has written 2 reviews

This gives DS a totally different feeling The DiscipleNormalExceptional 9.7May 5th, 2019
Perfect for beginners. An Introduction to DMOD MakingFeaturedExceptional 9.5April 28th, 2019