The Dink Network

Dinkdragon's Profile

well, Im Dinkdragon, the little iritating guy that ask questions about scripts every hour (at least how i think it)

well, im fourteen and live in sweden, my real name are Gustav englund, and i like... Shoe shops (they smell nice!),and of course, Dink Smallwood!

i don't know which d-mod i shall make,
so i'll just edit some and maybe come up with something terrific!

Private Message

2005-12-21 07:04:04
what do you mean exactly?

Dinkdragon has released 2 files

An Age Of DarknessD-Mod, RompFair 6.7July 12th, 2005
Adventures of Dink Bigwood (The)D-Mod, RompFair 6.0June 6th, 2005

Dinkdragon has written 6 reviews

I Think This Pack is Pretty Good TreasuryNormalGood 7.5August 11th, 2005
Well StarDinkNormalGood 8.0June 25th, 2005
Well Counter Strike CTFNormalFair 5.6June 25th, 2005
This D-Mod is Really Nice Blood ScorpionsNormalGood 8.7June 14th, 2005
Actually Bane of the MagiNormalExceptional 9.9June 8th, 2005
Hello Prophecy of the AncientsNormalExceptional 9.2May 10th, 2004