The Dink Network

Bluerose's Profile

Married, widowed, rasing two boys, girls are grown, love psp and Dink!

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2002-07-22 19:01:36
: : Hey everybody, remember the Box that was suppossed to come out way back when? Well since then my life got way busy (I'm getting married next month), and I haven't gotten it out yet. I never finished it, but I was going to release what I had. Anyway, the good (?) news is that I am going to finally release it (unfortunately in it's unfinished form). Should be out before the end of the month.

: Well, before I say anything about the D-Mod...Congratulations!

: Regarding Dink, will you ever be able to finish the Box or any other Dink, or will you be occupied with other things?