- Rife Dungeon - Blue Star now brings back to Rife, not Drognu. Thanks Chrispy.
- All - Wells used to say $rand when giving gold, now say amount. Thanks Chrispy.
- Rai - Tree on Rai could only be cut down with regular sword, now anything can knock it down. Thanks a lot of people.
- All - Version is now displayed on title screen for a second or so.
- Odvi - The Dance Master might not crash as often.
- All - Before, it was impossible to unlock one of the secret mini-games, this has been fixed. Thanks PureEvil.
New Patch: FIAT v0.99i
A couple new fixes in Patch I for FIAT (Note, if you downloaded it before it was linked, download it again as it includes a couple new fixes). If I still haven't fixed a bug you know of, post a comment.